Thursday, July 13, 2006

Dundee Daily

Works been kinda okay this week.....sods law I guess. Youngest cherub returns from Benidorm tomorrow so thats the peace shattered I guess. Theres still loadsa food in cupboards, theres still loadsa toilet roll - which proves my theory that she either eats it or chucks it out the window for fun and the house is as tidy when I get in from work as when I leave. Never mind - its also been kinda too quiet. No doubt she wont shut up till at least sunday night.

The Cat saga began before I started this blog but to cut a long story short:-

24 jan - adopted cat from cats protection league - told to keep her in for 6 weeks till we find out if shes been spayed
21 feb - cat escapes while we run after her down main road wearing pjs
24 feb - we move house having left lost/please help ads everywhere
28th feb - we get phone call from woman whos been feeding cat looks like our description - go round and bring her home to new house
29th feb - vet advises us to keep her in for another 6 weeks till she gets used to new house and to see if she goes into heat - then mentions she could possibly be pregnant already and to watch out for signs????!!
late march - cat is getting alarmingly fat - vet confirms shes pregnant
30th april - five kittens born - all gorgeous have to admit and whole family in love with them
4th june ish - they all go into CPL until homes found for kittens as they are now ruining everything they can chew climb scratch in new house.
7th june - go on weeks holiday
15th june - come home and get phone call from CPL, someone has broken in and stolen one of the kittens. Go into state of panic incase they come back for our cat or any more kittys so go down and bring home the cat and four remaining kittens who proceed with their mission to wreck new house.
21st june - kittens are all homed. cat goes into vets so no more kitty litters. vet says bring her back in a week to check stitches etc.
28th june - complications. milk wont go, cat still looking for kittens and producing milk so teats are full and twisting round the stitches. anti biotic inj and tabs and bring her back in a week.
5th july - alls well that ends well. stiches out and yes - we can finally let her out - this cat is really stir crazy by now.
6th july - never saw cat so relaxed and happy
7th july - same
8th july - headless chick on my kitchen floor- put large bell on collar
9th july - dead chick in my back garden - attach disc to clang against bell
13th july - live chick being skited around my livingroom and cat picking it up and running away every time I try to rescue it. Me in tears cat having time of life.
First time cat owner so all suggetsions gratefully accepted.

and to think I got a cat cos theyre less bother than a dog......yeh....right


Blogger Ossian said...

at least you're unlikely to have any problem with mice now.

2:39 pm  
Blogger Maggie said...

ha ha. well we are on the doorstep to the countryside here so it could be a bonus. found some feathers round side of house this morning so looks like some wee bird had a lucky escape. apparently its only like this in the nesting season - so ive been informed - mind you that was by the person who recommended cats as perfect pets!

10:02 am  

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