Sunday, July 02, 2006

Dundee Daily

This weekend there's been the annual blues festival in Dundee. Basically loadsa bands come from all over an local bands are on as well and the pubs in town are buzzing - great if you love blues and great if you don't cos' theres lots going on and the pubs and clubs are chocca. we went in town saturday and managed not to catch a single band but the craic was good and we met up with some really interesting people including an art student who's just won a year in florence with some design thing she's done ( terrible but I cant remember the exact details its all a bacardi blur.)
the sun had shone all day for a change and the westport was hochin. people watching the bands at the doghouse were spilling over the street and the same outside the globe etc.
I keep passing pubs lately in the car an thinking oo! whats going on outside that pub but its just people having a fag..... so good to come home after a night out an not stink of smoke - although my best mate doesnt agree - she reckons she's getting drunk lately cos shes not smoking while we're out - yeh okay, an its the coke in my bacardi thats doing it for me.......


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