Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Grans been taken into hospital cos she had a wee fall and she's saying her legs wont work. call me cynical ( which i rarely am ) but she moves house in two weeks and even the doctor says he thinks she just not feeling like she can cope with moving ( no wonder at 84 ) anyway, the council are rewiring all the houses so they are getting decanted. we've seen a councillor an they've arranged that once we move her she doesnt need to move back but its still all too much for her. Ferried mum around Lochee today trying to sort out grans stuff. rent office, opticians, cobblers for nameplate etc etc. terrible bitch that i am all i could think was what a waste of a bonnie day - the sun is splittin the pavements here right now an that doesnt happen often in dundee!! got finished by oneish then headed home to garden an tried to finish The Constant Gardener. im nearly there an havent enjoyed all of it but i hate giving up on a book. i always have that feeling that if i just stick with it it'll come good. anyway - this ones nearly done an im glad i made the effort. only lasted till half three an had to come in an hoover cos its so damn hot. tomorrow allegedly its gonna be 82 degrees here. how bloody good is that - well it would be if i didnt have to go spend the morning packing stuff in grans house getting ready for the move......


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